大毒草《三字经》是一本浸透儒家反动思想,散发着没落地主阶级臭气的反动课本。它是传授统治阶级剥削、压迫人民经验的“吃人经”,贩卖孔孟之道、毒害人民的“骗人经”。 《三字经》由南宋末年的腐儒编定出笼后,历代反动统治者均把这棵毒草作为培养剥削阶级奴才和接班人的至宝。叛徒、卖国贼林彪为了他“克己复礼”的反革命需要,也捡起《三字经》中“我教子,唯一经”的反动思想武器,大肆宣扬孔孟之道,为他复辟资本主义的罪恶目的制造反革命舆论。我们一定要批臭《三字经》,戳穿它的反动实质,肃清它的流毒,将批林批孔运动进行到底!
The poisonous weed “The Three Character Classic” is a reactionary textbook that has infiltrated Confucian reactionary thoughts and exudes the stench of the fallen landlord class. It is to teach the ruling class exploitation, oppression of the people’s experience of “eating and drinking”, selling Confucius and Mencius, poisoning the people’s “lieman.” After the “Three Character Syllabuses” was codified by the corrupt Confucianists in the late Southern Song Dynasty, the reactionary rulers of all ages regarded this poisonous weed as the treasure of the ministers and successors of the exploiting classes. In order to counter the counterrevolutionary needs of “self-denial”, Lin Biao also picked up the reactionary ideological weapon of “I teach the only Son of God” in the “Three Character Classic.” He advocated the Confucius and Menkies to create counter-revolutionary public opinion for the evil purpose of his restoration of capitalism. We must criticize the “Three Character Classic”, punctuate the reactionary essence of it, eliminate its narcoticism, and criticize the pro-Lin exercise in the end!