卡米洛·何塞·塞拉,1989年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,他是西班牙战后小说的首位创新者,其作品为战后西班牙沉寂的文学创作注入了活力。但有些评论家始终认为,他在50年代以后并没有力作问世,加之其颇有些古怪的个性,人们对他的评价毁誉参半。塞拉于2002年1月走完了他人生的第86个春秋,在西班牙首都马德里与世长辞。 塞拉于 1916年5月11日出生在西班牙北部省份加利西亚的伊利亚-弗拉维亚,母亲祖籍英国。他9岁时随全家来到马德里,在那里接受教育直至大学毕业。他在大学里先后学习
Camilo José Serra, winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize for Literature, the first innovator in the post-war Spanish novel, has infused vitality into the quiet literary creations of postwar Spain. However, some critics have always believed that he did not publish his masterpiece after the 1950s, combined with rather eccentric personalities. His evaluation was mixed. Cera finished his 86th spring and autumn in January 2002, living his life in the Spanish capital Madrid. Serra was born on May 11, 1916 in Iliya-Flavia, Galicia, northern province of Spain, where her mother was native of England. When he was 9 years old, he came to Madrid with his family and was educated there until he graduated from college. He studied in college