课题:下课后找一找生活中被错用的物理知识。 形式:搜集口头语言、谚语等。 同学们搜集的生活中被错用的物理知识素材包罗万象,以下仅举几例: “我上街买米,问这袋米多重?售货员说有五十斤”。这个问题着眼点在“重”和“五十斤”上,混淆了“力”和“质量”的概念。由此让学生更清晰地弄清了两个概念的不同含义。 “中央电视台的天气预报,今天武汉气温为9-12度”。对于这个问题,同学们着重分析了
Question: After class, find a physical knowledge that was misused in your life. Form: Collect spoken language, proverbs, etc. The physical knowledge materials misused by students in the life are all-inclusive. Here are just a few examples: “I bought rice on the street and asked how many meters of this bag are sold? The salesperson said that there are fifty pounds.” This issue focuses on “heavy” and “five pounds” and confuses the concepts of “force” and “quality.” This allows students to clearly understand the different meanings of the two concepts. “The weather forecast for CCTV, Wuhan today is 9-12 degrees.” For this problem, the students focused on the analysis