药品调配差错不可避免,但应通过各种综合措施最大程度地减少差错的发生。药品调配差错不仅导致患者错误用药的风险,也降低患者的信任度,增加医疗纠纷。药剂科工作模式由“以药品为中心”向“以患者为中心”的转变,更要求每一位药学工作者必须把患者的用药安全放在首位。现就2013年我院发生的3例药品调配出门差错情况进行具体分析,以期对其他药学工作者有提醒和参考作用。1差错发生过程2013年我院门诊药房共调配处方653 063张,发生
Drug deployment errors are inevitable, but a variety of comprehensive measures should be adopted to minimize the occurrence of errors. Drug deployment errors not only lead to the wrong patients the risk of medication, but also reduce the patient’s trust and increase medical disputes. Pharmacy department work model from the “drug-centric ” to “patient-centered ” change, but also requires that every pharmacy worker must put the patient’s medication safety first. Now in 2013 in our hospital occurred in 3 cases of drug distribution go wrong specific analysis to other pharmacy workers have a reminder and reference. An error occurred in 2013 outpatient pharmacies in our hospital total deployment of prescription 653 063 Zhang, occurred