【摘 要】
A collaborative optimization model for maintenance and spare ordering of a single-unit degrading system is proposed in this paper based on the continuous detect
【出 处】
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
A collaborative optimization model for maintenance and spare ordering of a single-unit degrading system is proposed in this paper based on the continuous detection. A gamma distribution is used to model the material degradation. The degrading decrement after the imperfect maintenance action is assumed as a random variable normal distribution. This model aims to obtain the optimal maintenance policy and spare ordering point with the expected cost rate within system lifecycle as the optimization objective. The rationality and feasibility of the model are proved through a numerical example.
A collaborative optimization model for maintenance and spare ordering of a single-unit degrading system is proposed in this paper based on the continuous detection. A gamma distribution is used to model the material degradation. The degrading decrement after the imperfect maintenance action is assumed as a random variable normal distribution. This model aims to obtain the optimal maintenance policy and spare ordering point with the expected cost rate within system lifecycle as the optimization objective. The rationality and feasibility of the model are verified through a numerical example.
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个人小档案 大家好,我叫闫瑾坤,来自太原市大营盘小学四(1)班,是一位活泼、阳光的小女孩 我有一双水灵灵的大眼睛,一张小巧的嘴,一个高高的鼻梁,再加上乌黑发亮的短发,瞧。这就是我 我做事还有点认真,但记性太、太……差!这样就没法做事达到百分之百认真了我很活泼、开朗,是个十足的外向派!就算再、再……陌生的人我也马上可以成为他的好朋友!别看我外向就认为我是个“小淘气”,其实,平常我是个小“书”女
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