反腐败是关系到党和国家生死存亡的严重政治斗争。近年来 ,随着反腐败斗争的不断深入 ,特别对经济欠发达地区来说 ,如何把反腐败斗争与贯彻落实江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想结合起来 ,如何使反腐败斗争服从、服务于经济建设 ,为西部大开发创造好的经济和社会发展环境服务 ,?
Anti-corruption is a serious political struggle that affects the life and death of the Party and the country. In recent years, with the deepening anti-corruption struggle, how to combine anti-corruption struggle with the implementation of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on “three represents,” how to make the anti-corruption struggle subordinate and serve the economic underdeveloped areas in particular, Economic development, for the development of the western region to create a good environment for economic and social development services?