3月10日下午3时,国务院总理朱镕基步入人民大会堂装修一新的广东厅,笑容可掬地对与会代表说:“广东厅装修以后我没来过,进来以后感觉到焕然一新,装修得庄严、漂亮、淡雅、朴实、敞亮、透明、公开。”总理的话引起了热烈的掌声。这一高度评价,既是对新广东厅装修工作的充分肯定、褒奖,也是勾动我探研装饰潮流走向新动态的强大磁力。 5月底的一天,我跟踪报道来到了广东集美设计六公司,采访了主持设计装修人民大会堂新广东厅的工程
At 3 pm on March 10th, Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council entered the newly renovated Guangdong Hall of the Great Hall of the People and smiled and said to the delegates: “I have not been here since the renovation of the Guangdong Hall, and I feel refreshed after coming in. It was solemn, beautiful, elegant, plain, open, transparent, and open.” The Prime Minister’s words caused a warm applause. This high appraisal is not only a full affirmation and commendation of the decoration work of the new Guangdong Hall, but also a powerful magnetic force that spurs me to explore the decorative trend of the new trend. One day at the end of May, I followed the report and came to Guangdong Jimei Design Six Company to interview the engineer who presided over the design and decoration of the new Guangdong Hall of the Great Hall of the People.