红宝石喜林芋学名Philodendron rubrum 别名 红宝石、大叶喜林芋、红背蔓绿绒、红柄蔓绿绒 科属 天南星科喜林芋属 产地和习性 产于中美洲和南美洲的热带雨林。性喜高温多湿,耐阴,忌强光直射,日照60-70%。生育适温20-28℃,冬季温度不低于8℃。 形态 常绿藤本。茎圆形,绿色,茎节长有紫红色气根。叶长心形基部箭形,长约15-30厘米,宽8-15厘米,叶面绿色、叶背暗红色,叶柄紫红色,新叶苞片为玫瑰红色发亮,极为艳丽,新消和幼叶红色,后转暗红色。花由佛焰苞及白色的肉穗
Philodendron rubrum alias ruby Ruby, aloe ruby Ruby, big leaf like green taro, red back Mandelung, red stem Mandelung genus Aconitum hi taro Origin and habits produced in Central and South America, the tropical rain forest. Sex hi hot and humid, shade, avoid direct sunlight, sunshine 60-70%. Fertility temperature 20-28 ℃, the winter temperature of not less than 8 ℃. Form of evergreen vines. Stems round, green, stem length with purple roots. Leafy heart-shaped base arrow-shaped, about 15-30 cm, 8-15 cm wide, green leaves, dark red leaves, petiole fuchsia, new leaves bracts rose red, very beautiful, Young leaves red, turn dark red. Flowers from spathe and white meat spike