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小微企业作为我国重要的经济力量,为我国的经济贡献了巨大的作用,不仅是我国经济的中流砥柱,而且就业方面也做出了巨大的贡献,但由于企业自身、国家政策的种种条件限制,小微企业融资一直以来都是世界各国的一个重要难题和重点关注对象。在融资渠道狭窄单一、银企信息不对称、信用体系不健全、缺乏国家政策的支持等方面存在许多问题。通过小微企业自身和银企的角度分析小微企业融资难问题。面对小微企业的融资难题,政府应该多加鼓励和指导小微企业,投资建设专为小微企业服务的政策性银行,拓宽小微企业的融资渠道,鼓励创新激发小微企业的潜在实力。 As an important economic power of our country, small and micro enterprises have contributed tremendously to our country’s economy. They are not only the mainstay of our economy but also have made tremendous contributions in terms of employment. However, due to the restrictions of the enterprises themselves and the state policies, Small and micro enterprise financing has always been an important problem and focus of attention of all countries in the world. There are many problems in terms of a single financing channel, asymmetric information between banks and enterprises, an unsound credit system, and the lack of support from national policies. Through small and micro enterprises themselves and the perspective of small and micro enterprises to analyze the financing problems of small and micro enterprises. Faced with the financing problems of small and micro-enterprises, the government should encourage and guide more and more micro-enterprises, invest in policy banks that serve small and micro enterprises, broaden the financing channels for small and micro enterprises and encourage innovation to stimulate the potential of small and micro enterprises.
小学数学在现阶段新的教育打环境下,所面临的困难非常多,传统的教学观念以及教学方法已经跟不上当前教育发展 的步伐,现代教育要求教师关注学生的主体性,注重对学生自主能力
慢性心力衰竭(chronic heart failure,CHF)是大多数心血管疾病的最终归宿,发病率高,5年存活率与恶性肿瘤相仿。本研究旨在观察中药制剂参芪扶正注射液治疗慢性心力衰竭的疗效。
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