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近几年来,各地区、各有关部门在企业扭亏增盈方面做了大量工作。但是,当前部分国有企业产销率下降,亏损额上升,经济效益不高的问题十分突出。为了进一步推动企业扭亏增盈工作,近日,国务院批转了国家经贸委、财政部、中国人民银行、国家统计局《关于建立企业扭亏增盈工作目标责任制的意见》,主要内容如下:一、制订企业扭亏增盈工作目标,实行行政领导负责制要针对不同地区和部门的企业状况,制订各地区、各有关部门分年度的企业扭亏增盈工作目标。今年全国企业扭亏增盈工作目标为,消化各种增支减利因素,尽快遏制亏损额上升的势头,有条件的地区应将企业亏损额控制在1995年额度以内,力争有所减少。企业扭亏增盈工作实行行政领导负责制。全国企业扭亏增盈工作由国家经贸委会同财政部负责。原则上国务院管辖的企业,其扭亏增盈工作由国务院有关部门主要领导负责;地方管辖的企业,其扭亏增盈工作由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府主要领导负责。各地区、各有关部门也可根据实际,制订本地区、本部门企业扭亏增盈工作目标。建立分级管理,层层负责的行政领导负责制。 In recent years, various regions and relevant departments have done a lot of work in turning losses into profits. However, the current rate of production and sales of some state-owned enterprises has fallen, the amount of losses has risen, and the issue of low economic efficiency has been very prominent. In order to further promote the work of turning losses into losses, the State Council recently approved the “Opinions on Establishing the Target Responsibility System for Turning Losses and Increasing Profits into Work” of the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, and the National Bureau of Statistics. The main contents are as follows: To formulate goals for enterprises to turn deficits and increase profits, and to adopt an executive leadership responsibility system to formulate business goals for each region and each relevant department to break the deficit and increase profits in different regions and departments. This year, the goal of turning losses into profits for the entire nation’s enterprises is to digest various factors of increase, decrease, and profit, and to curb the momentum of rising losses as soon as possible. In areas with favorable conditions, the amount of losses of enterprises should be controlled within the limits of 1995, and efforts should be made to reduce them. The company has implemented the executive leadership responsibility system in order to reduce losses and increase profits. The National Corporation of Economic and Trade Affairs and the Ministry of Finance are responsible for turning losses into profits for the entire nation. In principle, the enterprises under the jurisdiction of the State Council shall be responsible for turning losses into profits by the main leaders of the relevant departments of the State Council. The enterprises under local jurisdiction shall be responsible for the work of turning losses into losses by the principal leaders of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. All localities and relevant departments can also formulate their targets for turning deficits and increasing profits into profits in their own areas and departments. The establishment of a hierarchical management, responsible for the executive responsibility system.
经过近3年时间的调查,观测和鉴定,发现南京地区草坪的主要杂草有23科53属54种 ,其中,夏,秋季危害草坪的主要杂草有马唐,牛筋草,画眉草,狗尾草,白茅,双穗雀,李氏禾,三叶草,空心莲子草等;冬,春季危害
以分离自广东省镇海水库的拟柱孢藻N8为对象,探究其在不同磷浓度及氮磷浓度组合下的生长情况。结果表明,拟柱孢藻N8对磷的适应范围很宽,在0.02—5.12 mg/L磷浓度下均能生长,