
来源 :昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:matrx1007999999
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如何在刑事司法中实现被害人利益的保护与犯罪人回归社会两大目标已是当今世界各国刑事政策所面临的一项重大课题。不可否认,将和解适用于刑事司法领域,这在我国当前还是一种新的尝试,但构建刑事和解制度的一些基本理论问题,在法理上尚未完全厘清,在实务中也存在一定障碍。文章以刑事诉讼习惯法为视角,运用比较法和案例实证研究的方法,对我国现行刑事司法中的刑事和解制度的合法性问题、刑事和解与西方“修复式司法”之关系问题、我国司法实践中刑事和解的现实功能之评判以及其未来立法走向之规划问题进行了详实而深入的探究,以期对我国刑事和解制度的建构提供理论支持。 How to protect the interests of victims and criminal return to society in criminal justice are two major issues facing the criminal policies of all countries in the world today. It is undeniable that the application of reconciliation in the field of criminal justice is still a new attempt in our country at present. However, some basic theoretical problems in constructing the criminal reconciliation system have not been completely clarified in jurisprudence, and there are still some obstacles in practice. From the perspective of customary law of criminal procedure, this article applies the comparative law and the case study method to analyze the legitimacy of criminal reconciliation system in China’s current criminal justice, the relationship between criminal reconciliation and the Western “reparative justice” Judicial practice of criminal reconciliation of the actual function of the judge as well as the planning of the future direction of its legislation to conduct a detailed and in-depth inquiry, with a view to China’s criminal reconciliation system to provide theoretical support.
目的确定特纳氏综合征(Turner's syndrom)患者微小标记染色体(Small marker chromosome,smr)的来源。方法用X和Y染色体着丝粒特异的DNA探针进行荧光原位杂交(Fluorescenc
NoRMANN COPENHAGEN的故事  “我和扬·安德森在1999年成立了这个公司。最初我们在哥本哈根的斯特兰鲍威瓦登(STRANDBOULEVARDEN)的经营一个设计店铺,公司也是以这个设计店铺为主。但到2002年,我们的第一条产品线也在NO RMANN COPENHAGEN同名下诞生了。”保罗·曼德森在忆往昔的时候这样说。这第一件产品就是丹麦设计师西蒙-卡可夫(SIMON KARKOV