我们应用放射免疫法(双抗体-PEG法)在两年内对112例支气管肺炎患儿做了唾液SIgA值的测定,报道如下:1 材料和方法1.1 取标本时间均为发病一周内。将患儿自然流出唾液2ml,置清洁小瓶中送检,新生儿、乳儿可采用灭菌干燥吸管从颊部及舌下反复吸出唾液送检。1.2 将唾液标本2ml,从1500Prm/mm离心,取上清液1:10(V/V)稀释,放入摄氏4℃冰箱内保存待测。1.3 应用放射免疫双抗体-PEG法,由上海放射免疫技术研究所提供,检查仪器为西安262厂制造的FJ-2003/50γ免疫计数器,遵照说明书操作。
We use radioimmunoassay (double antibody-PEG method) in 112 cases of bronchial pneumonia in children with salivary SIgA value was measured, reported as follows: 1 Materials and methods 1.1 The specimens were taken within a week of onset. The children naturally out of saliva 2ml, set the clean vial submission, newborns, babies can use sterile drying pipette repeatedly from the buccal and sublingual saliva submission. 1.2 The saliva samples 2ml, from 1500Prm / mm centrifuge, the supernatant 1:10 (V / V) dilution, stored in a refrigerator at 4 ℃ to be tested. 1.3 Application of radioimmunoassay-pEGFP method, provided by the Shanghai Institute of Radioimmunoassay, inspection equipment for the Xi’an 262 factory FJ-2003 / 50γ immunization counter, follow the instructions.