国门风雨路之天保边检站 血染的风采 英雄的国门

来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fancysoul
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(一)如果你没有听说过天保,那你一定听说过中越边境的老山,天保口岸就坐落在老山脚下。天保口岸,又名船头口岸,地处云南麻栗坡县境内。盘龙河从这里穿境而过,蜿蜒进入越 (A) If you have not heard of the natural treasure, then you must have heard of the Laoshan China-Vietnam border, Tianbao Port is located at the foot of the Caravan. Tianbao Port, also known as the bow port, is located in Malipo County in Yunnan Province. Panlong River from here through the country, meandering into the more
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近日,驻黑河某边防巡逻艇大队组织机关干部到基层连队进行蹲点。蹲点,蹲出了什么? 笔者闻讯前来采访,通过与基层官兵的谈心交流,了解到一件件蹲点干部为基层官兵谋利益、争实惠的点滴小事。官兵们都说:“这样的蹲点干部我们欢迎!”    二班屋里的光亮    保卫股长王海姣在一中队蹲点,半夜去上厕所,回屋时,在无意中发现走廊里二班屋里有隐隐的光亮:会不会是火情隐患?王股长悄悄推开了那间屋的门,不料却发现一名