The benign tumor or tumor-like lesions of the bone that are left after the scraping of the bony cavity are filled with substitutes. There is bone cement, but bone cement does not develop into bone and there is a tendency to age. It is ideal for natural bone filling. However, there are not many bones taken from autologous bones, especially in children, and the amount of bone supply is less. We must also consider the dysfunction caused by taking too much bone. For a long time, allograft bone has been used to fill bone cavities, but there are some problems. First, the source of bone supply; second, the preservation of the bone, and third, the local reaction after allograft implantation into the body. In the fifties of this century, the Court established a bone bank. It can be divided into three stages. In the first stage, the cancellous bone was immersed in thimerosal to 20°C and refrigerated at the time of surgery. The second phase will be loose