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2013年12月22-23日,中国汽车保修设备行业协会汽车教学教具专业委员会2013年会在广东寮步召开,中国汽保协会领导和汽车教学教具专业委员会委员及专家共30多人出席了本次会议。中国汽车保修设备行业协会田国华副会长、刘建农秘书长分别代表协会,总结了2013年汽车教学教具专业委员会主要工作开展情况及取得的成绩,并对2014年的工作做了具体部署。会议还围绕中国汽车教学教具行业目前的市场现状及发展趋势展开了充分讨论。与会国内知名汽车教学教具生产企业代表还分享了各自在汽车教学教具领域的成功经验。为进一步促进和推动中国汽车教学教具行业的发展,与会代表经过充分酝酿和广泛磋商,共同签署了代表行业今后发展方向和规范的纲领性文件——《岭南共识》。《岭南共识》的签署,是中国汽车教学教具行业里程碑式的事件,它标志着中国汽车教学教具行业全体同仁对未来行业发展的共识和期望,对行业科学化、规范化发展提出了具体要求,对行业的发展前景充满信心和期待! From December 22 to December 23, 2013, the Automotive Aid Teaching Aid Committee of China Automotive Warranty Equipment Association was held in Liaobu, Guangdong Province. More than 30 directors and experts from China Automobile Insurance Association and Automotive Teaching Aids Professional Committee attended the present Meeting. Vice President Tian Guohua and Secretary Liu Jiannong of China Automotive Warranty Equipment Association, on behalf of the association, summarized the major achievements and achievements made in 2013 by the Automotive Teaching Aids Committee, and made specific arrangements for the work in 2014. The meeting also revolved around the current automotive teaching aids industry in China market status and development trends were fully discussed. Participating domestic well-known car teaching aids manufacturer representatives also shared their successful experience in the field of automotive teaching aids. In order to further promote and promote the development of China’s automotive teaching aids industry, delegates signed the “Lingnan Consensus”, a programmatic document representing the future directions and norms of the industry after full deliberation and extensive consultation. The signing of the “Lingnan Consensus” is a landmark event in the automotive teaching aids industry in China. It marks the consensus and expectation of all my colleagues in the automotive teaching aids industry in China on the future development of the industry. It has put forward specific requirements for the scientific and standardized development of the industry. The development of the industry is full of confidence and look forward to!
例1 社会性别女,24岁,汉族,未婚,农民。因从小至今无月经于1991年11月26日入院。入院前1年曾在某医院就诊,行人工周期治疗1疗程无月经来潮。患者承认有性交史。家庭中同胞姐