A total of 94 materials (including 23 nationally validated varieties and 71 local materials) from the main alfalfa producing areas in northern China were used as samples. The control samples were American standard fall dormant varieties and 25 materials from the former Soviet Union, Iran and Canada , The morphological, physiological and biochemical genetic variations and quantitative classification of alfalfa landraces and validated cultivars in China were studied, and the alleles and allele frequencies were used to investigate the genetic diversity of each group Diversity Ht, intraspecific and inter-gene genetic diversity Hs, inter-population genetic diversity Dst, genetic differentiation coefficient Dm, genetic differentiation coefficient Gst, gene transfer value per generation Nm and inter-group genetic distance GD. The above genetic parameters showed that 98% of the genetic diversity of Chinese certified varieties of alfalfa originated from within the varieties, 2% from the genetic variation among cultivars, and only the American fall dormancy varieties One-third of the differences are reflected in the high genetic heterozygosity within different breeds and the developmental flexibility that is widely adapted to the external environment. At the same time, it was found that the fall dormancy level of Chinese alfalfa materials was mainly from 1 to 3, and only a few large-leaved type materials from southern Xinjiang had semi-fall dormancy characteristics with fall dormancy level from 4 to 5. Chinese alfalfa material did not find non-fall dormant or very non-fall dormant material.