贪污受贿的事,报章电视近年不断有披露,腐败分子大到陈希同、小到生产队长,“奇闻逸事”也不算少。 这里有两件事,不知可否列入腐败“奇闻”,某公安交警队警员周某,自认工作成绩不小,没有功劳也有苦劳。因提级分房没挨上,而怀恨不满,直至“以权换钱”,来平衡自己的心态,由于受贿11万余元被捕后,周说了一段话,大意是:由于住房小,想改善又没钱,所以想到受贿,收到15万就不收了。为什么呢?15万可以买二室一厅了。
Corruption and bribery, newspapers and TV have been disclosed in recent years, corrupt elements like Chen Xitong, small to captain, “anecdote” is not too small. There are two things here. I do not know whether or not corruption can be included in the “anecdote.” A police officer in a police force and police department Zhou Mou admits that her performance is not negligible. Due to the promotion of housing did not endure, and resentment, until the “right to change money,” to balance their mentality, due to bribery 110,000 yuan arrested, Zhou said a passage to the effect that: due to small housing, think Improve and no money, so think of taking bribes, received 150,000 will not receive. Why? 150,000 can buy a two-room hall.