大家好!这期的攒机方案又和大家见面了,随着GHz时代的到来,我们发现整机厂商都在暑期争先恐后地推出了足够个性化的GHz产品,身处其中的阿虎当然不能落伍了,今天就来为大家诠释一把GHz产品的配置解决方案,各位DIYer且听我细细道来。处于这个时代的两只老虎仍然是Intel和AMD,他们之间的CPU大战已经完全从幕后转向了前台,在先后推出的GHz产品中,以Intel的Socket 423、Socket 478Pentium 4量为夺目耀眼,而AMD公司也同样不甘于落后的现状,高频毒龙、雷鸟的屡战屡胜依旧是不争的事实,而随之推出的基于这些产品的芯片组、内存也纷纷露脸,形
Everyone is good! Zanji this program and we meet again, with the advent of the GHz era, we found that machine manufacturers are scrambling to launch in the summer personalized GHz products, of course, in which a tiger of course can not fall behind Now, come today for everyone to interpret a configuration solution for GHz products, you DIYer and listen to me carefully. The two tigers in this era are still Intel and AMD, the CPU war between them has completely shifted from behind the scenes in the forefront of the launch of the GHz products, the Intel Socket 423, Socket 478Pentium 4 amount dazzling, and AMD is also unwilling to lag behind the status quo, high-frequency poisonous Dragon, Thunderbird’s repeated wins is still an indisputable fact that the chip set based on these products, the memory also have appearances, shaped