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梦,在印地安人眼中都是真实的,是他们的生活向导。印地安人一直认为,有一个看得见的物质世界,还有一个看不见的精神世界。而梦则像一条小船,载着梦者跨越现在及未来的界线,抵达彼岸的那个精神世界。一切答案均可从梦中找到,无论是对于个人还是整个部落。印地安人种种神圣的,沿袭至今的仪式,如斋忌、不饮酒、不喝水,都是为了得到梦境及其真意。明月高悬,天地清辉一片。纵马草原,印地安男女想往通过精神世界的体验,靠近他们心目中那位开创宇宙、拥有无边力量的伟大智者。能够通过梦而见到大智慧的人在部落中被尊称为圣人。印地安人认为进入精神世界可获得重要知识,而这种知识则主要以预言的形式出现。纵 Dream, true to the eyes of Indians, is the guide to their lives. Indians have always believed that there is a visible material world, there is an invisible spiritual world. The dream is like a boat, carrying a dreamer across the line between present and future, to reach the other side of the spiritual world. All answers can be found in dreams, whether for the individual or the entire tribe. Indian holy, follow the rituals to date, such as fasting, do not drink, do not drink water, are to get the dream and its true meaning. Hanging on the moon, a world of Qinghui. Prairie steppe, Indian men and women want to experience through the spiritual world, close to their mind that pioneer the universe, with boundless strength of the great wise men. People who can see great wisdom through their dreams are revered as saints in their tribes. Indians believe that access to the spiritual world can be important knowledge, and this knowledge is mainly in the form of prophecy. vertical
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