Units 1—2易混词语练中辨

来源 :中学英语之友·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytxiaokang
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  (一)Excuse me.与Sorry.
  1. ——____! Are you Miss Green?
  ——No, I’m not.
  2. ——Can you spell “book”, please? ——____, I can’t.
  3. ____. What’s this in English?
  4. ——Can you spell it, please?
  ——____, I can’t.
  1. ——Are you in Row 2? ——____, I’m ____.
  2. This is ____ your ruler.
  3. I have (有) ____ pencil-box.
  4. ——Is this a computer?
  ——____, it isn’t.
  5. ——Are you Jim Green?
  ——No, I’m ____.
  6. I have ____ eraser.
  7. That’s ____ a Japanese car.
  8. ——Are you on duty today?
  ——____, I’m ____.
  (三)a, an与one
  1. This is ____ pear and that is ____ apple.
  2. Are you in Class ____?
  3. Mr. Wang is ____ old teacher.
  4. Look!This is ____ red apple.
  5. Is that ____ English car?
  6. ——What’s this in English?
  ——It’s ____ orange.
  7. We are in Class ____, Grade ____.
  8. I have only ____ ruler, not two.
   9. I can see ____ “u” and ____ “s” in the word “us”.
  10. ——What’s ____ plus(加) four? ——It’s five.
  (四)is, am与are
  1. ——What ____ your name?
  ——I ____ Wang Ling.
  2. ——____ you Number 12?
  ——Yes, I ____.
  3. This ____ Kate Green. Where ____ Jim?
  (五)Mr. 与Miss
  1. ____ Han is Han’s sister(姐姐).
  2. ____ Wang is a teacher(老师). He is my English teacher.
I.根据句意,将方框中的词语的序号填写在空格中  A.post office B.hotel C.library D.supermarket E.bankF.video arcade G.pay phone H.park I.school J.street
一、选择填空  1.Put___away, please.  A.they B.them C.their D.we  2.is time to go home now.  A.She B.He C.It D.That  3. Could____help_____, please?  A.your, me B.you,I C.your,I.D.you,me
Ⅰ.选择填空  1.——_______does your uncle do?  ——_______He's an engineer.  A.What B.Where C.How D.Why
一、写出下列动词的一般过去式。  1.is______ 2.do______  3.go______ 4.have______  5.want______ 6.enjoy______  7.carry______ 8.move______  9.listen______  10.stop______
同学们对this, that, it已有了初步了解。this, that既可以作形容词,又可以作指示代词;而it只能作代词。那这三者作代词时的具体区别是什么呢?请随我一同走近它们!  指“物”  1.this指近物,that指远物,it没有远近之分。如:  This is a computer. 这是一台电脑。(在近处)  That is a bike. 那是一辆自行车。(在远处)  2.在回答t
1.telephone/phone number  该短语的意思是“电话号码”,是一个可数名词短语,注意在实际应用中它的单复数形式的变化,有可能会影响到最后句子中谓语动词的结构。同时,telephone number也可以说成phone number,两者之间没有区别。例如:  How many telephone numbers are there in your notebook?   你的笔
Hi! Boys and girls. Let me introduce myself to you! (同学们,你们好!请允许我作个自我介绍。) 我叫be动词,来自英语王国,别看我由两个字母组成,在英语王国里我可并非等闲之辈。说句大话吧,我不但有变身本领,有时在句子里缺我还真不行。今天和大家初次相识,我希望通过我的自述,能帮助大家更好地了解我,让我们成为朋友,不要再把我用错了,特别是在关键时刻可
你知道怎样称呼西方人才恰如其分吗?来看看这些称呼语的自我介绍吧!  Mr.的自白:我是Mr.,意为“先生”,我喜欢与成年男子交朋友,放在他们的姓氏前面,但不可与他们的名字连用。例如:Mr. Zhang张先生,Mr. Green格林先生。  Miss的自白:我是Miss,意为“小姐”, 我喜欢与未婚女子为伴。例如:Miss Li李小姐,Miss White怀特小姐。  Mrs.的自白:我是Mrs.,
(A)  David is a pupil. He studies in Hongxing Primary School. He has six lessons every day. He likes football very much. After school he plays it with his classmates. His mother, Linda always prepares
(A)  This is Lucy and this is Lily. They __1__ twins. They are thirteen. This is __2__ bedroom. It is __3__ nice room. The two beds look the same. The red one is __4__ and the blue one is Lucy’s. The