在目前的手机销售中,有一个现象,那就是很多商家都在明里暗里地进行分类销售,也即是同时销售所谓的“行货”和“水货”。这种并不正常、更不合法的现象现在却似乎已经为消费者所广泛接受 尽管大家都知道水货有种种问题,但购买者却不在少数,甚至有泛滥的趋努。请各位就这种奇怪的现象及其自身所具有的一些特点,以及将来的走势、对市场的影响等方面的情况发表一点自己的看法。franck:这有什么好奇怪的?水货的价格比起同样类型的行货来要便宜很多啊,对于那些想使用中高档手机而又没有什么钱的人来说,购买水货也不失为一个好的选择,谁让现在的手机都那么贵!
In the current mobile phone sales, there is a phenomenon, that is, many businesses are classified and sold in secret, which is also the sale of the so-called “licensed” and “parallel imports.” This phenomenon, which is not normal and more illegal, now seems to have been widely accepted by consumers. Although everyone knows that there are various problems with parallel imports, the purchasers are not few, and even there is proliferation. Please express your own opinions on this strange phenomenon and some of its own characteristics, as well as future trends and impact on the market. Franck: What’s so strange about this? The price of parallel imports is much cheaper than the same type of licensed goods. For those who want to use medium-to-high-end mobile phones and don’t have much money, buying parallel imports is also a good choice. Who makes today’s mobile phones so expensive!