,Optical anisotropy and the direction of polarization of exciton emissions in a semiconductor quantu

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcbcni22
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The dependence of the directions of polarization of exciton emissions,fine structure splittings (FSS),and polarization anisotropy on the light-and heavy-hole (LH-HH) mixing in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) is investigated using a mesoscopic model.In general,all QDs have a four-fold exciton ground state.Two exciton states have directions of polarization in the growth-plane,while the other two are along the growth direction of the QD.The LH-HH mixing does affect the FSS and polarization anisotropy of bright exciton states in the growth-plane in the low symmetry QDs (e.g.,C2v,CS,C1),while it has no effect on the FSS and polarization anisotropy in high symmetry QDs (e.g.,Cav,D2d).When the hole ground state is pure HH or LH,the bright exciton states in the growth-plane are normal to each other.The LH-HH mixing affects the relative intensities and directions of bright exciton states in the growth-plane of the QD.The polarization anisotropy of exciton emissions in the growth-plane of the QD is independent of the phase angle of LH-HH mixing but strongly depends on the magnitude of LH-HH mixing in low symmetry QDs.
莲叶绿了,荷花开了,知了鸣了,青蛙闹了,夏来了!   早晨,我漫步池塘边,又见满池的碧绿与粉红。莲叶绿得发亮,晶莹的露珠在上面滚动着。莲叶弯了弯腰,小水珠一不小心就跌入池塘。鱼儿张开嘴,将那携着莲叶清香的水珠吞入腹中,旋即沉入水底,静静地品味夏的气息。   荷花的花瓣尖端是粉红色的,越往下粉色越淡。几只蜻蜓在水面上低低盘旋着,不时调皮地点一下水,平静的水面顿时泛起涟漪。飞累了,它们便停在花尖上。一
“东东,你要的巧克力来啦!”听到姑姑那熟悉的声音和急促的敲门声,我一骨碌从沙发上跳起,以百米冲刺的速度开了门。姑姑手捧一大盒巧克力,笑容满面地看着我说:“快拿着。我还要赶着出差呢,特地给你送过来的,就怕你这个小馋猫等急了!”我高兴地接过巧克力,甜甜地说了句“谢谢”。随后,姑姑便风尘仆仆地离开了。   我迫不及待地拆开巧克力包装,一排排整齐的巧克力映入眼帘,香味扑鼻而来。我拿起一块,轻轻咬下,本想品
我捧着《西游记》,进入了书中世界。   绿茵遍地,鸟鸣深涧,傲来国的花果山真是块宝地。千万年后,一块蕴含着天地之灵气,吸收了日月之精华的灵石裂开了——一个石猴蹦了出来。   他与一般的猴子不同,多了一股闯劲儿。也就是这股闯劲儿,让他发现了水帘洞,被众多猴子尊为“美猴王”。   美猴王身上的灵性渐渐觉醒。他翻山越岭,去求仙学艺,学得一身本领后回山。猴儿们欢天喜地,跳着叫道:“大王真棒!”   他的本
本研究以鲁北冬枣(Zizyphus Jujuba var.inermis Lubei-Dongzao)/金丝小枣(Zizyphus Jujuba var.inermis Jinsixiaozao)为试材,研究了鲁北冬枣对不同形态氮素的吸收和利用状况及N