从福建省北部莱姆病感染率较高的林区捕获一批野鼠,从鼠体收集到部分粒形硬蜱,取蜱类中肠和社鼠肾脏接种BSKII培养基,结果分离出4株莱姆病病原体—伯氏疏螺旋体(Borrelia burgdorferi)。从粒形硬蜱和社鼠分离出莱姆病病原体,在国内外属首次报告。
A large number of wild rats were captured from forest areas with high rates of Lyme disease infection in the northern part of Fujian Province. Some Ixodes scabi were collected from the mice and BSKII medium was taken from the midguts of ticks and mice. Borrelia burgdorferi. Isolation of Lyme disease pathogens from Ixodon and community rats is the first report at home and abroad.