Judicial reasoning is the logic thinking activity of the judiciary in handling the case based on legal norms and identified legal facts. The main premise is the referee norms; the small premise is the referee fact; the conclusion is the result of the handling of the case. Thus, the norms of adjudication, the facts of adjudication and the conclusion of adjudication are the “three elements” of syllogism of judiciary. The determination of the criterion of adjudication, that is, the acquisition of the major premise, is the key link of the syllogism of justice. The construction of judicial reasoning premise is the process of law discovery and legal interpretation. Whether it is to discover the law or to explain the law, the value judgment needs to be carried out. Judgment of value is an important way to solve the major fact that the facts of the case are difficult to capture the legal norms, to coordinate the conflict between the legal provisions, to fill the loopholes in law and to construct the premise of the syllogism of the judiciary.