随着国民经济的发展 ,在一些地方相继有大型超高压输变电线路和电气化铁路的兴建 ,其强电线路对乡镇广播电视传输的影响已不可忽视。本文结合“宜—万”电气化铁路建设探讨不对称式强电线路对农村广播电视传输设施的影响。1 强电线路对广播电视传输线路产生影响的原因分析强电
With the development of the national economy, large-scale EHV transmission and transformation lines and electrified railways have been built in some places in succession. The impact of the heavy-current power lines on the transmission of TV and radio in villages and towns has been neglected. In this paper, “Yi - million” electrified railway construction to explore the asymmetrical power lines on the rural radio and television transmission facilities. A strong power lines on the radio and television transmission lines have an impact analysis of strong electricity