齐家姐妹 香华绝代——记乒坛姐妹齐宝香、齐宝华

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在中国乒乓球界,国栋、国梁兄弟的故事家喻户晓。然而,“巾帼不让须眉”在乒乓球世界也同样适用。曾经,有一对乒乓姐妹也为大中华的乒乓球事业留下了光辉的一笔,为河北籍球员树立了楷模,并目她俩还在续写着更为精彩的篇章……1981年,前南斯拉去诺维萨德,第36届世乒赛女团决赛正在进行,中国队对阵韩国队。为中国队打头阵的是来自河北保定年仅20岁的小将齐宝香。她击败了几天后闯入女单四强的黑马李寿子,为中国队如愿捧回考比伦杯立下了汗马功劳,也从此确立了她在中国乒乓球队一线主力的地位。23年后,2004年的卡塔尔第47届世乒赛上,女团决赛在中国队和中国香港队之间进行,双方的出场阵容是:张怡宁、王楠、郭跃对帖雅娜、柳絮飞、张瑞。坐在电视机前观看比赛的齐宝香不禁开怀——场上双方六个主力队员,一半是她的弟子。张怡宁、郭跃和张瑞在国家二队时都曾师从于她,按她的话说,“现在女一队很多队员,掰着手指头算来算去,大部分我都带过。”齐宝香用不足10年的时间,让自己站到了世界比赛的最高领奖台;用23年的时间,让自己培养的三名队员同时出现在争夺最高荣誉的赛场,编织着同样的梦想。回忆着30多年自己与乒乓球的故事,齐宝香不禁感慨:“我是无心插柳柳成荫”。 Table tennis in China, Guodong, Guo Liang brothers well-known story. However, “” does not let men “in the table tennis world is also true. Once upon a time, a pair of ping pong sisters also left a glorious touch for the table tennis career in Greater China and set a good example for Hebei players, both of whom are still writing more exciting chapters ... In 1981, before Yugoslavia to Novi Sad, the 36th World Table Tennis Championship women’s team finals are under way, the Chinese team against Korea. The first team for the Chinese team is from Baoding, Hebei only 20 years old teenager Qi Bao Xiang. She defeated a few days after entering the women’s singles semi-finals of the dark horse Lee Shou-son, as the Chinese team won the Couperin Cup made a contribution, but also established her position in the Chinese table tennis team front-line. Twenty-three years later, at the 47th World Table Tennis Championship in Qatar in 2004, the women’s team finals were held between the Chinese team and Hong Kong team in China. The two teams played the roles of Zhang Yining, Wang Nan and Guo Yue on Tie Yana, Liu Xufei, Zhang Rui. Sitting in front of the TV watching Qi Bao incense can not help but open - six players on both sides of the field, half of her disciples. Zhang Yining, Guo Yue and Zhang Rui had taken the lead in her second national team when, according to her words, ”Now a lot of female team members, breaking their fingers counted to count, most of them I have taken.“ Qi Bao Xiang spent less than 10 years, let himself stand in the highest podium of the world competitions; with 23 years, so that their three players at the same time appear in the competition for the highest honor of the track, weaving the same dream. Recalling more than 30 years of their own story with table tennis, Qi Bao incense can not help feeling: ”I am inadvertently inserted willow shade".
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