习近平在庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵讲话中要求——我们的英雄军队有信心 有能力打败一切来犯之敌

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全军将士们!你们要坚定不移坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和制度,永远听党的话、跟党走,党指向哪里、就打到哪里。全军将士们!你们要坚定不移坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,始终同人民站在一起,时刻把人民放在心头,永远做人民子弟兵。全军将士们!你们要坚定不移坚持战斗力这个唯一的根本的标准,聚焦备战打仗,锻造召之即来、来之能战、战之必胜的精兵劲旅。全军将士们!你们要坚定不移坚持政治建军、改革强军、科技兴军、依法治军,全面提高国防和军队现代化建设水平。 You must unswervingly adhere to the fundamental principle and system of upholding the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces, listen to the party’s words forever, and go where the party is going and where the party points. You must unswervingly adhere to the fundamental principle of serving the people wholeheartedly and always stand together with the people and keep the people always in your heart and always be the people’s army. All the officers and men in the army must unswervingly uphold the sole fundamental standard of fighting power, and focus on preparing for the war, forging the troops that will win the war, and win the war. You must steadfastly adhere to the principle of political establishment, reform and strengthening the army, rejuvenating the science and technology, and stepping up the army in accordance with the law so as to comprehensively raise the level of national defense and the army’s modernization.