(一) 华东地区公路科技情报网于1985年5月10日~19日先后在安徽黄山和江苏南京市,召开了高等级公路技术研讨会并进行了现场参观。这次会议开得适时,准备充分,主题明确,就当前亟待解决的高等级公路,主要是高速公路、一级公路的有关技术问题,进行了初步的有益的探讨,切磋了理论、技术标准和设计、施工方法,对今后高等级公路的发展将起到促进作用。高等级公路在我国的兴起和发展,是贯彻中央和国务院关于加快公路建设的指示,实行普及与提高相结合,以提高为主的方
(I) East China Highway Science and Technology Information Network On May 10-19, 1985, it successively held technical symposiums for high-grade highways and conducted on-site visits in Huangshan, Anhui Province and Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. The meeting was held in a timely, well-prepared and clear-cut theme. The meeting discussed the technical problems related to high-grade highways, mainly highways and highways that are in urgent need of solution, and discussed the theoretical and technical standards and Design and construction methods will play a catalytic role in the development of high-grade highways in the future. The rise and development of high-grade highways in our country is the result of implementing the directives of the Central Government and the State Council on speeding up highway construction, implementing the combination of popularization and improvement,