有性繁殖是促进魔芋种植业发展和品种改良的有效途径,引起了极大的兴趣。本文研究117个花魔芋(Amorphophallus konjac K.Coch)单株花粉成熟后连续5d的温度、湿度以及花芽种球茎对其有性繁殖的影响,结果表明:授粉期间的温度和湿度对其自花授粉结实影响大,结实株花粉成熟后连续5d的平均温度和湿度分别为24℃和64%,均显著高于不实株,高温高湿有利于散粉和花粉的萌发从而完成受精;花芽种球茎大小对有性繁殖也有影响,结实株平均种球茎重显著高于不实株,且与单株结实浆果数呈极显著的正相关(r=0.6096,N=29),因此,宜选用花芽球茎大的用于魔芋有性繁殖。
Sexual reproduction is an effective way to promote the development of konjac plantation and breed improvement, arousing great interest. The effects of temperature and humidity on the sexual reproduction of 117 flower buds of Amorphophallus konjac K.Coch were studied. The results showed that the temperature and humidity during the pollination period were significantly affected by self-pollination The average temperature and humidity for 5 days after the mature pollen matured were 24 ℃ and 64%, respectively, which were significantly higher than that of the unaccumulated ones. High temperature and high humidity were conducive to the germination of loose powder and pollen to complete the fertilization. The average bulblets weight of the stubble plants was significantly higher than that of the stubble plants, and was positively correlated with the number of stubble per plant (r = 0.6096, N = 29). Therefore, For the sexual propagation of konjac.