Sanyu cultivation is a comprehensive high-yield cultivation of soybean cultivation technology has been in Heilongjiang reclamation area promotion. My field through 4 years of practice, that in the specific implementation process, special attention should be paid to the use of the following technologies. First, plan the autumn stubble soybeans stubble stubble, it should be deep loose stubble or rotary farm some of my field production team, in order to meet the three ridge cultivation of autumn ridge operations, the first in the stubble stubble stubble or rotary tillage, Have received good results. According to the survey, in 1987, after deep-seeding stubble, the ridge ridge increased by 20.8 kg. In 1988, the deep-seeding stubble and rotary furrow ridge increased 25.5 kg compared with that after flat-ridged ridge. 20.5 kg. Thus, the planned autumn stubble soybeans stubble, should actively promote deep-stubble stubble or rotary tillage.