本文报告了河北省6所血站及2个自然村的729名献血员丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的血清流行病学研究结果,发现献血员 HCV 感染率为22.1%,对照组为5.2%;全血献血员 HCV 感染率为15.2%,单采浆还输血球献血员为39.7%。结果表明,无论献全血还是献血浆,均易感染 HCV,尤以后者更为危险。ALT异常及持续异常的献血员 HCV 感染率分别为41.5%和78.6%,仅有 ALT 异常史的献血员为50.8%,ALT 正常献血员为16.7%,由此可见,ALT 异常是 HCV 感染的重要表现形式之一。目前,血站通过对献血员 ALT 的筛检,只能将17.4%的 HCV感染者筛除,尚有82.6%的感染者仍做为“合格”献血员继续献血,因此,建议尽快将丙型肝炎诊断试剂用于筛选献血员。
This paper reports the results of a sero - epidemiological study on hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in 729 blood donors from 6 blood stations and 2 villages in Hebei Province. The HCV infection rate of blood donors was 22.1% and that of the control group was 5.2%. The rate of HCV infection among whole blood donors was 15.2%, and that of apheresis to blood transfusion was 39.7%. The results show that, whether dedicated blood donation or plasma, are susceptible to HCV, especially the latter is more dangerous. The prevalence of HCV infection was 41.5% and 78.6% for those with ALT abnormalities and persistent abnormalities, 50.8% for blood donors with ALT only abnormalities, and 16.7% for normal ALT donors. Therefore, ALT abnormalities are important for HCV infection One of the manifestations. At present, only 17.4% of HCV-infected patients are screened by the bloodstain ALT screening blood donors, while 82.6% of the infected people continue to donate blood as “qualified” blood donors. Therefore, it is suggested that blood type C Hepatitis diagnostic reagents are used to screen blood donors.