【摘 要】
【机 构】
重庆大学资源及环境科学学院博士后流动站 重庆400044
The geologic features of Upper Es4 in Bonan Sag of Shengli Oilfield are briefly reviewed. The connotation, formation sequence and mode of turbidite are summarized. The sedimentary facies and microfacies of the Upper Es4 Member in 6 wells in the Bonan Sag have been studied. From the lithology of deep-water environment, the lithological structural logos of density flow, the particle size distribution of turbidimetric origin, Response and proper formation conditions, the authors demonstrated that the lacustrine fan and the far-source conglomerate lenses were developed in the semi-deep lacustrine facies and deep-lacustrine facies of the subsidence zone, and the sediments of the upper Es4 in the Bonan Sag phase.
对辽西地区黄花山角砾岩层的研究表明 ,黄花山角砾岩是一套火山碎屑岩 火山碎屑沉积岩类。黄花山角砾岩的形成大致可分为 2个阶段 :早期阶段以火山熔岩溢流和剧烈的火山爆发
The effective corrosion protection coating and high productive coating equipment for steel bridge deck has been a challenge for bridge engineers for many years.
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在东昆仑布尔汗布达山布青山一带分布着昆中、昆南和阿尼玛卿混杂岩建造. 新获得的古生物资料, 揭示出东昆仑东段混杂岩基质与岩片(块)的时态构成十分复杂, 其时限分布从元古代~中生代. 在昆中混杂岩带新发现寒武纪的疑源类组合; 在昆南混杂岩带新发现新元古代~早古生代疑源类组合; 在布青山一带的阿尼玛卿混杂岩建造中发现早二叠世放射虫; 运用孢粉学方法, 在混杂岩带中还识别出了一些中生代的构造岩片. 这些
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