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  The Greatest Gifts
  “Wow! This place looks like a museum! Do you really live here? So many interesting things!”
  “You sure must love to collect things, are these from China?”
  Whenever Chinese guests first step into my home the above comments are frequent and most common. While many people in China are curious about how foreigners live, often this same curiosity extends to interest in how outsiders cope and survive in a new country.1 I can say that Chinese tend to be most hospitable2 and welcoming. I also must say that having also received a wide range of keepsakes has influenced my sense of gratitude immensely.3
  As an American teacher it is rare, and almost unheard of for students to give gifts to teachers. In fact the notion of accepting gifts runs contrary to most public schoolboard policies.4 However, there can be and are exceptions. Our high school sports team established a tradition of giving a yearly trophy5 to the coach whom we all loved. At an eastern university where I taught, one of my students gave me a special large wooden salad bowl with accessories, for coaching her to a regional and national public speaking championship.6 In all my 30 years of teaching in the United States, I have seldom been invited to the homes of my students. On the other hand, however, my classes have been recommended to family members. This personal acceptance has even included teaching parents, and Adult Education returning students who were related. These students enrolled in7 my classes based upon recommendations. I have also been invited to attend a few special family celebrations in the USA. Such invitations were mainly from my foreign students.
  In China, the giving of gifts, home visit invitations, and invitation to special celebrations is a common, albeit an unusual experience for most foreigners.8 In my home in China there are plaques, paintings, poetry scrolls, statues, teapots,9 and many bottles of Chinese wines. I have, unfortunately, misplaced the special handmade shoes given to me, a sample product from one of my student’s hometown.10 What I appreciate and remember most, however, is the willingness of families in China to open their hearts and homes unabashedly, without reservations.11 This simply is not the “American Way”, but it is the Chinese Way. Spending time eating and chatting, or simply sipping12 tea in quiet gratitude toward each other, is a most precious gift to receive. Few things can surpass13 the joys of being together. As Confucius (“Kongzi”) is credited for saying, “You peng zi yuan fang lai, bu yi yue hu?”14 Is it not great when friends meet?   The inherent values15 from sharing time and space was made apparent in my early student years. A part-time job in a custodial Rest Home for senior citizens left a deep impression on me.16
  “Did my son call yet?”
  “Is this the day for my daughter to visit me?”
  “No, Mrs. Anderson…”
  “I’m sorry Mr. Smith, there is no one here to see you today.”
  These were regular dialogues between the patient-residents17, workers and volunteer helpers. I was a temporary staff member in the Golden Sunset home for the aging.18 It was quite sad to see gloom19, loneliness, and despair spread among the residents who found it difficult to hide their unhappiness. In fact, even worse was the abuse against the elderly whose frequent complaints became intolerably annoying.20 Sad to say, some custodial staff workers would lock away seniors in closed toilets and lavatories for long time periods.21 These workers pretended forgetting their duties and immediate responsibilities. Other occasions punishing residents were proceeded with verbal threats, followed by repeated strap lashes with belts or other hard objects.22 You could hear the beatings and crying. Working in such places made it clear that positive personal attention was a premium for people cast aside by family members.23 Obviously one consequence of a fast-paced society is the chronic24 lack of time. Very few people have time to spend with people whom they claim to care about deeply.
  Chinese people are well known for generously responding to emergencies. Several natural disasters have happened and thousands of Chinese have volunteered days, weeks, and months of their precious time. In the U.S., there are free temporary homeless shelters, food kitchens, legal aid offices,25 and hospital and health clinics supported with volunteers.
  Even in China, more and more organizations are coming into being for the purposes of meeting the needs of human person-to-person contact. The “China Youth Volunteers” and the “Our Free Sky” (OFS) volunteer organization are just a few of many examples. A few days ago I attended an English Salon26 in the city run by locals in the community. I was squeezing out a few hours, which I really felt guilty over, in response to an invitation by an elderly Chinese man I had met on the bus.27 At this meeting in Beijing were people of all ages trying to learn and raise their English proficiency levels28. College students, and grandparents. The youngest was a little girl of seven years old, and the oldest was a man who was 87. Both of these individuals could speak English quite well. The host of the salon was, Mr. Gallee, a Chinese volunteer. He has been with the group since its formation two years before the Beijing Olympic Games.   I must say that I was happy to meet with this group and look forward to future meetings. Giving the gift of time is something very special in China. Sometimes giving time may involve sacrifices. However, it is important that we take time to know one another. We all need one another. The Confucian concept of filial piety29 must not stop with family relationships. Sharing time is actually a good way to help us all accept and appreciate our differences. This activity itself is part of the life-long process toward self-improvement. There is no greater emergency or crisis than to not face the unknown neighbor closest to us. We can start with a smile. We can continue with a willing to share our time.
  1. 在中国,许多人对外国人的生活很好奇,这种好奇心还延伸到这群外乡人怎么在新的国家里应对和存活。extend to: 延伸至,扩至;outsider: 外人,局外人;cope: 应对。
  2. hospitable: 热情友好的。
  3. a wide range of: 许多的,各种的;keepsake: 纪念品,赠品;sense of gratitude: 感激之情;immensely: 极大地。
  4. notion: 概念;run contrary to: 违反;schoolboard: 教育委员会,学校董事会。
  5. trophy: 奖杯。
  6. 我曾在东部的一所大学教书,我的一个学生为了感谢我指导她获得地区和全国的公开演讲冠军,送给我一个很特别的木制沙拉大碗,上面还带着装饰。wooden: 木质的;accessory: 装饰品。
  7. enroll in: 就读于。
  8. 在中国,送礼物、请客上门或参加特殊的庆祝活动是寻常的事,虽然这对大多数外国人而言是不常有的经历。albeit: 虽然,即使。
  9. plaque: 匾,饰板;poetry scroll: 诗卷轴;teapot: 茶壶。
  10. misplace: 忘记把……放在什么地方;sample product: 标志性产品,特产。
  11. unabashedly: 不怕羞地;without reservation: 毫无保留地。
  12. sip: 小口地喝。
  13. surpass: 超过。
  14. 孔子曾曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”be credited for: 被赞颂。
  15. inherent value: 内在价值。
  16. custodial: 照管的;rest home: 养老院;senior citizen: 老年人。
  17. patient-resident: 住院病人。
  18. temporary staff member: 临时工;the aging: 老年人。
  19. gloom: 忧郁。
  20. abuse: 虐待;intolerably: 无法容忍地。
  21. lock away: 将……锁起; lavatory: 盥洗室。
  22. be proceeded with: 以……进行;verbal threat: 言语威胁; strap lash: 鞭打。
  23. premium: 奖品;cast aside: 抛弃。
  24. chronic: 长期的。
  25. shelter: 避难所,收容所;legal aid: 法律援助。
  26. English Salon: 英语沙龙。
  27. 这是受一位我在公车上遇到的老者之邀,但我只能挤出几个小时来参加,对此我深感愧疚。squeeze out: 挤出。
  28. proficiency level: 熟练程度。
  29. filial piety: 孝道。
季立宗认为,互联网金融进行了一场渠道革命,并把精英金融拉入大众金融时代。传统的金融运作方式像是有红绿灯的十字路口,对投融资需求走走停停、忽闪忽闪的……未来金融运作方式不是这样  在2014年10月召开的第十届金博会上,有20.6万人参加了这次会议,平均每天有5万人涌入北京展览馆会场。  展会内举办的市民理财讲座场场爆满,很多人感叹,“收益高风险低的理财产品太难寻了。”这并非是门外汉不了解内部运作的
继南方多地相继取消或局部调整限购政策后,位于我国最北的省会城市哈尔滨也宣布全面取消限购,本市户籍与非本市户籍在哈尔滨购房将不再有套数限制。至此,46个实施限购政策的城市中,已经有37个城市在各种层面放松限购。面对全国楼市库存不断升温,各地楼市飘摇,用行政手段限制楼市活力的方式面临着巨大压力,退出限购似乎是大势所趋。  ——多位业内人士大胆预计,今年42个城市将全部调整限购政策,言下之意,只有北京、
摘 要:一系列的英语课程标准颁布实施以来,教师的“专业发展”已取代以前的“繼续教育”,教师专业发展的内涵、路径都已发生质的变化。教师专业话语体系的变革与重构,是教师研修、研读、研究、实践、思考课程标准在认知层面变化所体现的具体表征。分析教师专业话语的变革与重构,可理解教师专业发展变化的实质内容。教师也可从自身专业话语的变革与重构来自觉地监控自身的专业发展,在专业话语的理解与表达中促进自身的专业发展
《中国新时代》:我们希望让读者了解究竟欧债危机是怎么样的事情,告诉大家没有被夸大也没有被掩盖的事实。现在的情况怎么样呢?  梅兰德:准确是非常重要的。大部分的报道都把危机简单化了。比较国家之间的不同,各国面临什么挑战,情况怎么样,已经做了什么,计划做些什么,什么时候完成。  在某些时候,风险从一个国家快速地转移到另一个国家,大家都没有时间进一步思考其中原委。这时候我们应该退后一步看,是否希腊的情况
美国纽约时间9月8日,阿里巴巴集团首次公开发行(IPO)路演启动。此次路演吸引了众多投资者,在纽约华尔道夫酒店,基金经理和机构投资者代表从电梯口一直排队到大堂。JO Hambro的高级投资组合经理Vince Rivers对英国《金融时报》表示,现场的盛况让他想到了iPhone的发布会现场。阿里巴巴融资金额超过210亿美元,公司的估值最高将达到1,630亿美元,极有可能成为历史上最大规模的IPO。 
回顾卡地亚的历史,即回顾现代珠宝百年变迁的历史。在卡地亚的发展历程中,一直与各国的皇室贵族和社会名流保持着息息相关的联系和紧密的交往。百年来,被誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”的卡地亚以其非凡的创意和完美的工艺成为全球时尚的奢华标杆    卡地亚的传奇故事开始于1847年。29岁的Louis-Francois Cartier (1819-1904) 从师傅Adolphe Picard手里接管了位
最好的沟通方式就是面对面的沟通,而这个也是许多理论研究证明的最有效的沟通方式  “每次去敲老板的门都很发怵,所以能不见就躲起来不见了。”相信很多白领都有这样的感觉,甚至有不少员工一年也见不到老板几次,老板是老板,员工是员工,仿佛是两个没有多少交集的群体。  事实上,一个组织的沟通效果决定了组织的管理效率,在企业经营管理过程中,如果能做好组织沟通,对促进企业绩效目标的实现可以起到事半功倍的效果。畅通
丹佛斯从事的是一个听上去很遥远的专业领域,并已经从最保守家族企业跨越为全球化巨头,然而,这一富豪世家的新掌门人正面临着太多的致命诱惑    总部位于丹麦南加特兰(South-Jut,and)海岸外的丹佛斯公司,曾经被认为是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上最保守的家族企业之一,因为其业务范围基本上限于当地。  然而,雍根·柯劳森担任首席执行官十年时间里,已经成功地将丹佛斯从一个保守公司转型为一个工业控制设备领域的