利用自行合成的端基为环氧基的热致性环氧液晶(LCE)与酚醛树脂(PF)通过熔融挤出进行原位复合制备了LCE/PF复合材料。研究了LCE含量对LCE/PF复合材料力学性能、硬度及摩擦性能的影响,使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了复合材料的磨损面形貌,分析了复合材料的摩擦磨损机理。研究结果表明:LCE含量为2.5%时,摩擦系数比未加LCE的稳定,力学性能也有所提高;在各温度下,LCE含量为7.5%的复合材料的体积磨损率比未加LCE的复合材料的小达,到了GB 5763—2008的要求。
The LCE / PF composites were prepared by in-situ composites by melt extrusion of self-synthesized epoxy-terminated thermosetting epoxy liquid crystal (LCE) and phenolic resin (PF) The effects of LCE content on the mechanical properties, hardness and friction properties of LCE / PF composites were investigated. The wear surface morphology of the composites was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the friction and wear mechanism of the composites was analyzed. The results show that the friction coefficient increases with the increase of LCE content at 2.5% compared with that without LCE. The volume loss of the composites with LCE content of 7.5% at each temperature is higher than that of the composites without LCE Of the small, to GB 5763-2008 requirements.