
来源 :江苏农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dangerererer
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车出九省通衢的武汉市,沿宜黄高速公路西行,来到位于江汉平原腹地的湖北省潜江市西南50公里处,映入眼帘的是一座新近崛起的乡村都市。这就是闻名海内外的“湖北第一村”——潜江市幸福村。在这块6.8平方公里的土地上,已耸立起一个融服装、铝业、电力、冶金加工、轻工、金融、房地产开发、交通运输、商业服务为一体的跨地区、跨国界的大型村级企业集团。如今,幸福村已拥有25家工商企业,资产总额21.8亿元,员工5200名,其中年生产能力达5亿元的企业有3家,创汇2050万美元。1997年,公司实现总产值15亿元,利税2.05亿元。幸福村创建于1956年,取名幸福,是为了图个吉祥,表示对未来生活的寄托。但在20年前,这里仍是一片贫脊的土地,面朝黄土背朝天的幸福村民们一滴汗珠摔八瓣还混不到肚儿圆。在党的十一届三中全会春风的沐浴下,幸福村由7名家用缝纫机起家,发展成今天的楚天第一村,成为湖北省“十强企业”、湖北省基层党组织十面红旗之首,成为中国第一家沪深证交所上市的村级企业。 Car out of the thoroughfare of nine provinces of Wuhan City, along the Yi-Huang Expressway westbound, came to the hinterland of Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province, Qianjiang City, 50 kilometers southwest of the city, greeted by a newly rising rural village. This is known at home and abroad “Hubei first village ” - Qianjiang City happiness village. On this 6.8-square-kilometer land, a large-scale trans-regional and transboundary village-level village integrating clothing, aluminum, electricity, metallurgy, light industry, finance, real estate development, transportation and commercial services has emerged Enterprise Group. Today, Happy Village already has 25 industrial and commercial enterprises with a total assets of 2.18 billion yuan and 5,200 employees. Among them, there are 3 enterprises with an annual production capacity of 500 million yuan and a foreign exchange earning 20.5 million U.S. dollars. In 1997, the company achieved a total output value of 1.5 billion yuan, profits and taxes 205 million yuan. Happy Village was founded in 1956, named happiness, is to show a good fortune, said the life of the future sustenance. But 20 years ago, it was still an impoverished land. Villagers facing the happiness of the loess had a drop of sweatdrops and eight drops but they were still mixed with belly circles. Under the spring breeze bathing at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Happy Village was started by seven home sewing machines and developed into the first village of Chutian today. It has become the “Top Ten Enterprises” in Hubei Province and the grass- The first red flag, becoming China’s first Shanghai-Shenzhen stock exchange listed village-level enterprises.
法国最大的化妆品连锁经营商Sephora决定撤出日本市场。2001年11月27日,Sephora AAP(日本)公司说,到2001年底时,它将关闭其在日本的所有7家连锁店。作为法国奢侈品联合大企
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据美国SRI咨询公司最新研究称 ,未来 3年全球液蜡需求每年平均增速为 3%~ 4 % ,到 2 0 0 5年液蜡需求量将达到 2 .80Mt/a。液蜡 (国外称为正构烷烃 )是一种用于生产表面活性剂直链烷
1 概况广东韶关铸锻总厂于1991年引进奥地利埃协林公司一套辊底式球化退火炉,机械部第五设计研究院工业炉研究所做为技术指导参加了全过程的技术服务,与铸锻厂共同圆满地完