鲁虹在《关注都市亚文化》一文中谈 到,一些中国当代青年创造的新兴艺术已 经大跨度地超越了传统经典艺术的表现规 范,而且,这样的追求也出现在了仍然使 用传统媒介的新兴艺术如当代油画、当代 水墨等之中。从观念内容的层面看,新兴 艺术代表了当代青年组织新生存经验与价 值追求的方式,所以它常常把当下青年的 人生感受、消费欲望、喜怒哀乐作为原材 料制成产品。这样做并不是为了满足“偷 窥”心理,而是为了深入揭示当代文化中 的敏感问题,从而调动观众的相关经验,
Lu Hong said in his article “Focusing on Subculture in Cities,” that the emerging art created by some contemporary Chinese youth has gone beyond the performance norms of traditional classic art in a large-scale manner. Moreover, such pursuit has also emerged in the emerging fields that still use traditional media Art, such as contemporary oil painting, contemporary ink and so on. From the aspect of concept content, emerging art represents the new survival experience and the pursuit of value of contemporary youth organizations. Therefore, it often makes the products of young people’s life experiences, consumer desires and emotions as raw materials. This is not to satisfy the “voyeurism” mentality, but to reveal the sensitive issues in contemporary culture in depth so as to arouse the audience’s relevant experience,