张一山扮演起那个曾经在胶东半岛叱咤风云的工人领袖邓恩铭,摄影机前,他俨然是年轻的无产阶级革命家。为迎接建党90周年,我拍了一部儿童片,名《少年邓恩铭》。拍“邓恩铭”的时候,献礼片领衔之作《建党伟业》正拍得如火如荼。13位一大代表聚集黄浦江畔,共商国是。张一山扮演邓恩铭,是13位演员中年龄最小的明星。演毛泽东的刘烨经常和何平、佟瑞欣一帮大哥逗乐,有时喝红酒,有时说段子,张一山刚凑上前,刘烨就佯怒:“去去去,小屁孩儿,大人的事别掺乎。”众乐。张一山一本正经回答:“我是成年人啦! 19啦!”刘烨
Zhang Yishan played the influential worker leader Deng Enming in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Before the camera, he was a young proletarian revolutionary. To welcome the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, I made a children’s film entitled “Junior Dunn Ming.” When making “Dunn Ming”, the title of “Party Albert” led by the sacrificial tablet is in full swing. 13 representatives of a large gathering Huangpu River, a total of the country is. Zhang Yishan plays Dunn, is the youngest star of 13 actors. Liu Ye plays Mao Zedong often and He Ping, Tong Ruixin a bunch of big brother amused, sometimes drinking wine, and sometimes said Duan, Zhang Yishan just got together, Liu Ye on the angered: “Go go, kid actor, adult do not mix.” “Music. Zhang Yishan a serious answer: ”I am an adult! 19!" Liu Ye