【摘 要】
Particuology, the name of this joal, was coined by the late Prof.Mooson Kwauk to define the science of studying various particles and their systems, including b
【机 构】
Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences
Particuology, the name of this joal, was coined by the late Prof.Mooson Kwauk to define the science of studying various particles and their systems, including behavior of a single particle, interaction between particles, and behavior of a particle system consisting of many particles with other media.Since particle is the existent form of almost all solid materials, and gas bubbles and liquid droplets are also particles in a general sense, particuology represents quite a common knowledge for different engineering fields, therefore, is of special importance with transdisciplinary nature.
随着中华世纪坛50吨重的大钟传出21响划破夜空的钟声,手持五千年文明接力棒的东方巨人迎来了新千年,跨入了新世纪。 新世纪,新国防。众所周知,一个国家的生存、安全和发展,
2007中国(广东)国际印刷技术展览会Print China 07即将在东莞广东现代国际展览中心盛大举行(2007年4月10-14日),爱克发将以“科技超群,环保领先”的主题亮相(爱克发展位号:4
湖南永利化工股份有限公司现有2套100kt/a硫铁矿制酸装置和1套160 kt/a锌冶炼烟气制酸装置,均采用一转一吸制酸工艺,制酸尾气送环保处理厂用两段氨法处理后排放.
摘要:笔者所在学校《炼铁学》课程中应用“实践—理论—再实践”的教学模式,获得了良好的效果。 关键词:加强实践教学 “实践—理论—再实践” 加强实践教学环节,培养学生专业技能和从业能力,是职业技术教育区别于普通基础教育的显著特征之一。要体现这一特征,就必须构建系统科学的实践教学体系,深入开展专业技能教学。我校开设的钢冶专业是两年制的高中专,学生在校学习时间短,专业理论课程抽象、繁难。如果忽视