Female patient, 25 years old. Because of ovarian cancer in June 26, 1995 admission. Past physical health, no history of acute and infectious diseases, not pregnant one year after marriage, physical examination found ovarian cancer. Examination: no abnormal heart, liver and spleen is not enlarged, no tenderness in the abdomen. Gynecological examination: Normal uterus, left annex area touched a mass of about 9 × 7 × 7cm size, activity, no tenderness. Blood, liver and kidney function tests were normal. Clinical diagnosis: left ovarian tumor. On June 26 in epidural anesthesia for ovarian tumor resection, surgery in the left hand side of the annex mass, at the same time, a large number of yellow-white porridge-like tissue pour out of the abdomen, was mistaken for ovarian tumor rupture. Pelvic glandular tissue like the ovarian tumor tissue, but after the proposed tumor, see the ovarian tumor capsule intact, no break