We traced the model of traumatic shock in rabbits by metal cadmium reduction method to detect the nitric oxide (NO) metabolite nitrate change, to explore the role of the change of NO concentration in peripheral blood in the occurrence of traumatic shock. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Duplicate traumatic shock model Eight male New Zealand white rabbits, weighing 2.4 ± 0.23kg, were banned for 12 hours before the experiment. 3% sodium pentobarbital 30mg / kg ear vein anesthesia, dissection revealed bilateral common carotid artery and vein, one side of the common carotid artery cannulation U-shaped sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure was recorded after half an hour of stabilization, blood gas analysis was performed on the pre-traumatic carotid blood sampling, and the normal control of NO was collected on the jugular vein. One side of the lower extremity femoral fracture method of traumatic shock model and the blood pressure was reduced to 8kPa as the shock standard, at this time arterial puncture blood gas analysis, after traumatic injury (Bp = 11kPa), shock and shock after 30 and 90 minutes Four time points jugular vein extraction