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从“河南张海超开胸验肺”到“湖南百名尘肺农民工赴深圳维权”再到“数年维权未果而死于尘肺的贵州矿工李延贵”(见本期焦点透视),这一系列的“职业病事件”发人深省:职业病患者的维权之路缘何如此艰难?问题的症结在哪?本刊特邀请北京义社劳动咨询中心主任、中国工伤损害赔偿网首席顾问黄乐平,就我国职业病制度中存在的一些问题及其解决之道,他谈了自己的看法和观点。 From “Henan Zhanghai Chao thoracotomy pneumoconiosis” to “Hunan hundred pneumoconiosis migrant workers went to Shenzhen rights” and then “several years of failed rights and died of pneumoconiosis in Guizhou miners Li Yanui ” (see this issue of focus) This series of “Occupational Disease Incident” thought-provoking: why the pathogen rights of patients with occupational diseases so difficult? What are the crux of the problem? The magazine invited Beijing Yizhe Labor Advisory Center Director, China Industrial Injury Compensation Network Chief Advisor Huang Leping, He talked about his own views and opinions on some problems existing in the occupational disease system of our country and solutions.