利用核不育莜麦ZY基因为桥梁品种,采取多亲本聚合杂交法,培育成丰产、抗旱、耐瘠、品质优粮草兼用裸燕麦新品种张莜7号。该品种千粒重24.60g,生育期100d左右,株高131cm,粗蛋白含量13.72%,粗脂肪含量6.06%,一般旱地种植籽实产量为2 553.45kg/hm~2,比同类主栽品种坝莜3号增产509%,秸草产量比坝莜3号增产9.64%,2015年通过国家鉴定(国品鉴杂2015020)。
Utilizing the male sterility ZY gene as a bridge species, the polyphasic hybridization method was used to cultivate a new naked oat variety Zhang 莜 7 with high yield, drought resistance and barrenness. The grain weight per plant was 24.60g, the growth period was about 100d, the plant height was 131cm, the crude protein content was 13.72% and the crude fat content was 6.06%. The seed yield of general dry land was 2 553.45kg / hm ~ 2, The grain yield increased by 509% and the yield of straw increased by 9.64% compared with that of No.3 dam. In 2015, it passed the national appraisal (China Commodity Inspection 2015020).