This year’s 61st International Children’s Day, inspired by the victory of the International Conference on the Safeguarding of Children, came at a time of upsurge of the great victory and increase of production and conservation movement of the anti-US-aid Korea, ’three opposition’ and ’five anti-opposition’ campaigns in our country. The 61st International Children’s Day, which was decided by the International Council of Democratic Women’s Federation in 1949, has not been a child’s festival in various countries in the world. This year, as the International Conference on the Defense of Children formally proposed again and was approved by the General Assembly Resolution as the International Day for the Defense of Children. The General Assembly has sent to all men and women throughout the world a right of tenure that protects the moral, mental and intellectual survival, health, education and development of all children in the world and provides for today’s grand protests in many countries in the world to support a peaceful war of resistance. This adds more importance to the historical significance of this festival and our responsibility to cultivate and educate a new generation of work.