稀土氧化物 (La2 O3 、Y2 O3 )在强化钼的同时 ,对钼具有显著的韧化作用 ,即具有综合强韧化作用。稀土钼材作为高温结构材料正逐步取代Al Si K掺杂钼 (ASK)和TZM钼合金 ;通过成分设计和加工工艺优化 ,稀土钼还是一种工作温度低、无放射性污染的新型阴极材料 ,由稀土钼作为阴极的电子管 ,发射性能与寿命均达到或超过同类型W ThO2 阴极电子管 ,达到实用化水平。因此 ,稀土钼作为一种集结构与功能于一身的新型材料 ,有广泛的应用前景
Rare earth oxides (La2 O3, Y2 O3) in strengthening the molybdenum, molybdenum has significant toughening effect, that is, with a comprehensive toughening effect. Rare earth Molybdenum material is gradually replacing Al Si K doped Molybdenum (ASK) and TZM Molybdenum alloy as high temperature structural material. Through the design of composition and optimization of processing technology, rare earth Molybdenum is a new type of cathode material with low working temperature and no radioactive pollution. Rare earth molybdenum as the cathode of the tube, emission performance and life expectancy have reached or exceeded the same type of W ThO2 cathode tube to achieve practical level. Therefore, rare earth molybdenum as a new structure and function of a new type of material, has a wide range of applications