一条喜讯引起我强烈的采访兴趣——辽宁省阜新市中外合资阜新福泰堂药业有限公司研制的温肾助阳药酒,于今年3月15日获得了卫生部颁发的《新药证书》,标志着建国以来研制成功的第一个国家级壮阳新药诞生了! 面包车驶进了公司大院,经理薛常青和副经理艾人民、何会清、吴秀荣热情地接待了我。对于舞文弄墨我略知一二,说起医道我是个门外汉,请他们赐教“什么是温肾助阳药酒?”艾人民解释说,“肾”是中医学脏腑理论的重要组成部分,被称为“先天之本,后天之根”。历代医家
A good news led me to a strong interest in interviews. Wenshen Yangyang Liquor, developed by Fuxintang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a Sino-foreign joint venture in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, was awarded the “New Drug Certificate” issued by the Ministry of Health on March 15 this year. The first state-level new impotence drug developed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China was born! The van drove into the company’s compound. Manager Xue Changqing and deputy managers Ai Renmin, He Huiqing, and Wu Xiurong warmly received me. For me, I knew a little about me, and I was talking to doctors. I asked them to enlighten me: “What is Wenshen Yangyang?” The people of Ai explained that “kidney” is an important part of the theory of Chinese medicine. It is called “the birth of this, the root of the day after tomorrow”. Historical physicians