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<正> According to the boundary theory of singularity, singularity is the boundary of the non-spacelike inextensible geodesics. So the cosmological singularity means that the evolving universe must have a beginning or an end where the causality chains
<正> In the seventies, multiplication and division are performed in the serial-parallel arithmetical units of mini-and micro-computers by calling subroutines. T
题目质量为1千克的物体静止在光滑的水平面上,有水平外力F=1牛顿作用其上,且每隔5秒,F突然沿逆时针方向偏转90°角,20秒后撤除外力,那么最终结果是: (A)物体回到出发点(B)物
<正> Many physical processes of laser-plasma in teraction are relevant to the size of the corona plasma and its density profile. Therefore the appearance of las
<正> After cutting the ventral spinal roots in 10 dogs, the distribution of the anterograde degeneration for fibers was studied by means of Nauta’s technique.
<正> The commonly used physical model for the analysis of turbine transient is one in which the turbine runner and guide vane are considered as a whole regulati
<正> In 1967, Pedersen reported his pioneering work on crown ethers. Since then, a large variety of macrocyclic compounds have been prepared and their complexat
<正> Let us consider a system of mixed particles and photons. We assume that the interactions between the particles are weak and can be neglected. We also assum
<正> A fast moving hemoglobin variant with a mobility similar to that of HbJ, being between HbA and Hb Bart’s, was detected with cellulose acetate eleetrophore
<正> In our previous two works we were mainly concerned with the synthesis and polymerization of two types of new bioactive acrylic esters: 3-acrylato-4-oxo-3,
<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION Quartz has been widely used in radio industry, optical instruments and the like. It is used in manufacturing crystal filter, crystal oscil