一 83年11月。巴西第一大城市圣堡罗,鲜花如流。本地各大报纸,电视台竞相报导南美青少年乒乓球绵标赛的比赛盛况。 18日。圣堡罗体育馆内掌声雷动,此起彼伏。两名厄瓜多尔运动员,高举奖杯站在领奖台上。她们眼含热泪,兴奋地挥动着手臂……怎能不激动呢?这是厄瓜多尔第一次在国际重大比赛中夺得这个项目的冠军。当又一阵欢呼的浪潮涌来时,两位姑娘仿佛从幸福的陶醉中醒来,发现她们的中国教练正向她们微笑呢。
One in November 83. Fort St. Paul, Brazil’s largest city, flowers flow. Local newspapers, television stations competing coverage of South American Youth Table Tennis Cup match grand occasion. 18 days. Fort St. Paul Stadium thunderous applause, one after another. Two Ecuadorian athletes hold the trophy stand on the podium. Their eyes covered with tears, excitedly waving their arms ... How can not be excited? This is the first time in Ecuador won the major international championship this project. As another wave of cheers came in, the two girls woke up as if intoxicated with happiness and found their Chinese coach smiling at them.