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少白先生于我,介乎师友之间。论交谊,可以称友;论学问,应当是师。他年长,出道又早,我视为前辈;以专业论,做他的学生也不够格,盖因我于电影完全是门外。他在电影史方面的成就和贡献自有行家和弟子来说,我只能谈一点对他为人为学的感受,虽则零星,却真切、植入人心。20世纪70年代末、80年代直到1996年我退休之前,在前海恭王府大院(中国艺术研究院原址),我与少白先生虽不属同一个所,但颇有见面的机会,有时在院子里聊上几句,有时在会上交换意见,我们很容易沟通,常有同感共识。在认识他之前,我就知道《中国电影发展史》。那是“文革”期间处于“地下状 Mr. Shao Bai was at me, between teachers. On friendship, friends can be called; on learning, should be a teacher. His older, debut and early, I think of predecessors; to professionalism, to be his students are not qualified, because of my movie completely outside. For his achievements and contribution in cinema history, his connoisseurs and disciples, I can only talk a little about his anthropological feelings, though sporadic, but true, implanted in people’s minds. In the late 1970s and 1980s, until I retired in 1996, before the reign of Prince Gong House (former site of the Chinese Academy of Art) in Qianhai, I was not in the same place as Shao Bai, but it was quite an opportunity to meet and sometimes Talk in the yard a few words, sometimes in the exchange of views, we are very easy to communicate, often with the same consensus. Before I met him, I knew ”the history of Chinese film development.“ It was during the ”Cultural Revolution" during the underground state