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  Host A: And today’s last word in business is: a trunk that has Russians seeing red. A building-sized Louis Vuitton trunk was set up in Moscow’s historic Red Square.
  Host B: This big thing was meant to house a charity exhibition, featuring suitcases from the luxury fashion company. But reaction was not so 3)charitable. Lawmakers condemned it as an 4)obscenity in a sacred place.
  Host A: So yesterday, the government ordered the trunk be packed up and sent home.

  屹立于莫斯科红场的这只巨型LV旅行箱体建筑长30米,高9米,比列宁陵墓还长出6米之多,这次展览的主要目的是为由名模娜塔莉亚·沃迪亚诺娃组建的The Naked Heart募捐。然而红场作为莫斯科历史的见证,是游客必去之景点,此次路易威登的巨型展览馆由于其体积过大而遭“驱逐”,这也是路易威登历次展览中唯一的一次。
nd today we have a love story that started with a song. It was Brooklyn in the late 1950s. Jay McKnight and his friends spent summer evenings outside, singing 1)a cappella. And one night, Jay caught t
Host: We start by going back in time to 1837. Place yourself in South America in what was then called 1)British Guyana. We’re in a boat sailing along the 2)backwaters of one of the world’s largest riv
有那么一群人,他们才华横溢,目光如炬,想象力丰沛;他们用手中的笔描摹世界的面容,录下时代的音符,捕捉人性的各面。他们就是作家。  也许,你对作家这个群体羡慕不已,他们的名字和作品在你的心中像星辰般灿烂闪烁。  也许,你对作家这个职业不屑一顾,觉得作家就是一群令人费解的怪人,思想古怪,性格古怪,行为言语同样古怪。  但不管“作家”二字给你的印象如何,不可否认的是,我们对这个群体都怀有一种莫名的好奇,
It’s just a 1)trickle, really, in southwest England. It cuts through the County of Dorsetshire, an area that was once occupied by Celtic tribes. Then the Romans held on to the region until the 2)Dark
To 1)Ernest Walsh, 17 August, 1925  I’ve done 48,000 words on a novel, a swell novel. It will be suppressed the day they publish it, but it’s going to be a damn good one. It’s about Paris and Spain. 2
曾经听人说过:任何有心学习的人,当他专注学习一样东西七年,必定会成为这方面的专家,有所成就。  从希拉里·哈恩(Hilary Hahn)4岁时被小提琴演奏迷住,到11岁时首次参与管弦乐团合作的演奏会,正好是7年。15岁时,她与洛林·马泽尔(Lorin Maazel)合作演奏的贝多芬小提琴协奏曲在德国首演,大获成功,从此名扬欧洲。她16岁开始录制专辑,至今已发行了14张个人专辑,3张现场演奏会录像带
Announcer: OK. It’s a basic rule of business: go where the customers are. And in some places in the world those customers are stuck in their cars, on the roads, in the middle of traffic jams. Robert S
This story begins with a plank of wood.  Maudelle Driskell directs the Frost Place, Robert Frost’s old homestead in Franconia, New Hampshire. Recently, as she and her staff were cleaning up the house
Jon: Charles Dickens had a turbulent childhood, which rose and fell with the fortunes of his father. This constant 1)flux meant that Charles was 2)barometrically sensitive, not just to the standards o
Rising prices, 1)stagnant incomes and high-cost lenders cashing in.  It’s not that borrowing is higher in Hull, it’s that so many are taking on more debt than they can handle. Man A: I’m stressed, fed