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沈阳市铁西区地税局:打造联合服务新模式沈阳市铁西区地税局不断创新,打造联合服务新模式,让纳税人在办税过程中真切地感受到高效和便捷。优化代开增值税发票审批流程。纳税人从前需要先到国税窗口排号缴纳增值税,再到地税窗口缴纳相关附加税费,最后再回到国税窗口打印发票。现在,纳税人只需将资料递交至代开窗口,票据在相邻的两个窗口内部传递,即可“一站式”完成代开增值税发票全部业务办理,避免了以往纳税人“重复排、反复报”的现象,极大地提高了纳税人的办税效率。联合组织税收政策辅导。双方以“同一把尺子”为服务标准, Tiexi District, Shenyang Local Taxation Bureau: Building a New Joint Service Mode Tiexi District Local Taxation Bureau constantly innovates and creates a new joint service model that allows taxpayers to feel efficient and convenient in the tax collection process. Optimization on behalf of the VAT invoice approval process. In the past, taxpayers had to pay the VAT on the national tax window first, then pay the additional tax on the local tax window, and finally printed the invoice back to the national tax window. Now, taxpayers only need to submit the information to the public on behalf of the window, the notes in the two adjacent windows passed, you can “one-stop ” to complete all the business on behalf of the open value-added tax invoices, to avoid the previous taxpayer “Repeated row, repeatedly reported” phenomenon, which greatly improved tax efficiency of taxpayers. Co-organization Tax Policy Counseling. The two sides to “the same ruler ” as the service standard,
《人员和报酬情况》调查表是统计调查的重要内 容,而“全年劳动报酬(生活费)总额”是该调查表 的核心指标。由于基层统计单位的统计人员更换频 繁,对填报的方法和指标理解的
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目前北京全市经济普查数据 处理工作正在紧张地进行2005年 统计定期报表的数据上报工作也早 已拉开了序幕。为了加快统计数据 采集的现代化提高统计服务质 量减轻企业统计人
China National Chemical Engineering Group Corporation(CNCEC)has a high reputation in the world for its engineering capabilities,strong competitiveness,complete
有人说董璇是冷美人,白皙透亮的肌肤,精致的五官,古典美与现代美相结合的气质,活脱脱一个现代版的“小龙女”:加上常常在影视剧中扮演优雅孤傲的气质型美女,不由得给人感觉挺难接触的,其实,当你真的走近她,了解她,你会发现董璇是个典型的东北女孩,直率开朗。她没有做作,也没有任何负面的情绪,跟这样的女孩在一起,就如同与春天有个小约会。  像很多孩子一样,董璇的身上也寄托了父母的愿望和理想,所以在很小的时候她
主要错误虚、瞒报建筑业总产值 主要表现有四:1.角“工程结 算收入”数据代替建筑业总产值; 2.漏报本企业在外埠施工的施工产 值;3.安装工程产值中包括被安装 设备本身价值;4